Misinterpreting Douglas Adams: Digital watches were a pretty neat idea.

My first watch was digital. I was probably nine or ten, and the watch was a black Casio with a dashed line around the face in alternating green and blue. My brother and I would race to find each other whenever we noticed the hour was about to change, so that we could watch the watch digits all change at once. Needless to say, the changes from 9:59:59 to 10:00:00 and 12:59:59 to 1:00:00 were especially thrilling[⁉︎].

I’d learnt how to read an analogue clock, of course, but not fluently. To me, reading an analogue clock was akin to reading Roman numerals: a quirky, difficult system from long ago. Some analogue clocks even had the hours in Roman numerals. Some had no numbers at all. Some such watches only seemed to exist to give men a socially acceptable way to wear bracelets. Telling time was clearly not a priority.

So when I read in the Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy that humans were “so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea,” I naturally assumed it was because intelligent life forms had invented them so long ago that digital watches had about as much chance of being described as a ‘neat idea’ as the wheel. Digital watches are too simple an invention for anyone to find interesting. These days, almost everything has a digital clock built in, so the most important thing about a digital watch is a strong strap to keep it conveniently on the wrist.

A Casio digital watch displaying Sunday, 3 August, at 13:37:59 daylight savings time, set against a backdrop of The Ultimate Hitchhikers' GuideA few digital watches and a grudge against fragile watch straps and lost pins later, I moved to Switzerland, and when my watch strap broke or fell off I felt obliged to check out some of the famous Swiss watches. I was baffled by the evidence that not only did humans still think digital watches were a pretty neat idea, they also still thought analogue ones were. The only Swiss digital watches with good straps I could find had skeuomorphic round faces, or lacked such basic features as seconds, dates, or a light. I get it: the Swiss are proud of how precise they can be with tiny gears. But it’s the third millennium; get with the timepieces!

As Swiss innovations go, I prefer milk chocolate and Velcro. I found a Casio dealer and bought a solar-powered, waterproof, digital watch that synchronises daily with an atomic clock using radio waves and has a well-attached metal strap. It will stay on my wrist and display precisely the right time in plain digits, indefinitely with no intervention whatsoever, for less than the price of a piece of Swiss jewellery that doesn’t even have numbers on it. A fall onto concrete gave it some sparkly cracks in one corner, but it is still waterproof and functional many years and no battery changes or time adjustments later.

Unhappy with the hypothesis that most of the human race was more concerned with adding respectability to their diamond bracelets than with locating themselves in spacetime, I had to eventually accept that there was something people liked about analogue watches. Just as there must be something great about shoelaces that keeps Earthbound people using them even after the invention of Velcro, and even though Back to the Future fans know that by 2015 we shouldn’t still be tying them.

The thought crept up on me that maybe Douglas Adams didn’t like digital watches at all. Maybe he didn’t think they were ever a pretty neat idea. I thought about this for a few years, gradually becoming less and less sure that my initial interpretation was the correct one. Eventually, I looked it up:

So there you have it. Douglas Adams liked pie charts. I like pie charts too, but after the first glance I will look for the labels with exact percentages, and be frustrated if they aren’t there. For me, a word can be worth a thousand pictures, and a number can be worth a poorly-defined number of words.

As he says, digital watches have improved since then. I don’t need to put down my suitcase to press a button on my watch, unless it’s either dark and I need to turn the watch light on, or it’s recently been dark and the watch turned off its display to save power. In fact, my suitcase has four wheels (wheels! Now, aren’t they a neat idea?) so I never have to pick it up to begin with; I just give it a push occasionally while I stroll along, reading the time like a frood.

Reader participation alert:

Did you interpret the statement about digital watches the same way I did? If not, how did you interpret it, and how did it mesh with your own opinion on digital watches?

[⁉︎] If you think you’ve grown out of such primitive excitement, try watching the hour change on this clock made of planks of wood and rearranged manually by construction workers. The website only delivers one image at a time, now, so you’d have to refresh a lot to get a video effect there, but they sell an iOS app which will show you video, the Lite version of which has the transition from 9:59 to 10:00.

I’m still working on the next Forms and Formulae, because it’s another song, and I still have a lot to learn about songwriting. I’m also greatly enjoying taking the time to read entire long articles in the Princeton Companion to Mathematics even when the poem only refers to a small part of one. I hope you enjoyed this in the mean time.

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  1. #1 by Tony on November 1, 2017 - 11:22 am

    Love your post Angela, you write as I think – but I admit I’m probably too wordy on my own ‘IT elementary school’ blog 😦 I digress, as a big fan of Douglas Adams I could listen to him all day and digress about the vagaries and idiocies of human thought and action, which is what H2G2 was really all about, through the medium of SF. I absolutely get what DA meant, it makes sense now, but it was probably lost on me back in the ’80s. By the way, that you for introducing me to the word skeuomorphic! Tony


  2. #2 by Aaron Mason on November 1, 2017 - 2:56 pm

    I took it to mean that the rest of the universe were WAY ahead of us. I mean, they had the ability to travel through the depths of space at many times the speed of light, build hyperspace bypasses and even destroy planets for such constructions.

    I’ve been doing a bit of thinking about the story of The Reason from Life, The Universe and Everything – could it have been a commentary on the Faulklands War? The Princes of the Plains could have represented Britan, the Tribesmen of the Cold Hillsides could have been the Argentines, and the forest dwellers could have represented the Faulklanders, caught in the crossfire in something that had little (if anything) to do with them. Obviously the biggest losses were incurred by the Argentines, but if I were a Faulklander, I would certainly want to have a chat with someone from either side and demand to know just why they were doing what they were doing.


  3. #3 by Ryan Dailey on January 1, 2018 - 6:09 am

    My father being blind, hates digital watches. They’re all stupid: stupid voices that talk too much (every quarter hour for e.g.), or you can’t find the damned button.

    He likes his analogue watch. The catch was finding one that didn’t freaking move when you touched it ! lol For my dad, he likes the *simplicity* of the analogue. Digital has way too many features.


    • #4 by Angela Brett on January 1, 2018 - 3:14 pm

      It’s funny that you should comment that now; just before I saw this comment, I was watching YouTube videos by a blind man (The Tommy Edison Experience.) I watched a few yesterday as well, and they made me think of how I use text-to-speech probably more than the average sighted person. I realised that since I upgraded to High Sierra my Mac hasn’t been announcing the time every half hour like it used to (because my chosen voice was no longer installed; I think I’ve fixed it now.) I have it set up to do that because I actually find it a useful reminder if I’ve accidentally got absorbed in some time-wasting activity for a while and lost track of time. Every quarter hour is too much, though; I tried it a while ago. Anyway, these things reminded me of a blind boy I knew when I was a kid, who used an analogue watch. It did seem easier and more discreet than a talking watch would have been, and obviously much simpler and probably more robust.


  4. #5 by Zoë Blade on July 5, 2023 - 3:06 pm

    Well this is disillusioning! I made the same assumption as you, that other civilisations took digital watches for granted, not that they’d dismissed them as a fad. Even if this interpretation wasn’t his intent, I’m glad someone else took it that way too.

    I find it much simpler to use my (also solar powered, periodically radio broadcast receiving) digital watch than translate the analogue kind. It’s pretty interesting that other (dare I assume neurotypical) people find the pie chart style representation of time closer to their conception of it. I’d always assumed they preferred analogue watches aesthetically, it didn’t even occur to me that they found them easier, the same way I find digital ones easier.

    You’re right, velcro shoes really should be more popular too. I swore by them when I was a child. Why waste time?

    Liked by 1 person

    • #6 by Angela Brett on July 5, 2023 - 9:16 pm

      I’m glad to know someone else interpreted it the way I did! I have an Apple Watch now, so I did have to take it off to charge, but the straps are strong and can keep all sorts of information conveniently available on my wrist, in addition to the time. But when I first got it, somebody much younger than me (who I wouldn’t expect to be attached to analogue technology) said it ‘didn’t even look like a watch’ because they expected watches to be round! As someone whose only round watch was that weird Swiss digital one, I was stunned by that perspective.

      I found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeopkvAP-ag gave an interesting perspective on why people like analogue clocks… and I know someone who is very much not neurotypical who agrees with it.

      I actually bought a few pairs of shoes with shoelaces recently (the first I’d bought this century!) because they were absurdly sparkly and had thick, hardy soles so I thought they’d be worth it. I almost immediately replaced the shoelaces with no-tie laces though.


  1. Apple Watch vs. Macintosh Classic boot time | Creative Output
  2. A Towel Day quotation creation | Creative Output
  3. Freeze Drying | The mind of PoBz

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