Things to Buy

If you like this blog, you can help support it by buying some physical objects inspired by it. If I have a day job, the proceeds from any sales will be lent on Kiva until needed, but the ego-boosting effects of the sales will come into effect straight away, encouraging me to make more things.

You can download recordings of some of my poems and songs from Bandcamp. Mostly you can choose your own price.

If you prefer to decorate your home with my poetry, you might like the They might not be giants poem poster, with art by Len Peralta:

Probably the best place to get this in terms of price and shipping is on Teechip. It is also available on Zazzle, with various sizes and paper qualities, or directly from me on Etsy at 11×17 (A3) on high-quality thick glossy paper. On Zazzle the posters are more expensive and earn me less money, but on Etsy the postage is much more expensive if you’re outside Europe. However, if you order from Etsy, I may throw in a few bookmarks, and I will sign the poster if you ask in the comments to the seller.

To decorate your toilet, you might prefer A Skirmish (with my least-favourite body part) in a blood-like font with a diagram of the offending body part behind it, available on Etsy as a pair of downloads which can be printed on either A4 or US Letter paper. You can also buy a pre-printed one from Zazzle. If there is demand I will also add a pre-printed version sent directly by me; the postage won’t be as bad since it’s a smaller poster.

To keep your place in your favourite physical books, get The Bookshop bookmarks, available only from my Etsy store.

The Bookshop: the bookmark

Creative Output poster and postcards — A visual pun I drew which inspired the name of this blog. More details can be found on the blog post about them.

Creative Output Poster
Creative Output Poster by Angelastic
Look at Creative Posters online at
English Pronoun Flow Chart Poster — a flow chart to help you decide which English pronoun to use, with example sentences all based on the classic, ‘You are likely to be eaten by a grue’. For more information see the blog post about it.
  1. Things I forgot to blog about, part n+1: MathsJam Things | Creative Output

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